Protecting the Egg from Theft

Seems like everyday now I see notice of another stolen trailer on Facebook.  Given the high re-sale value of the Egg category and the current super popularity of campers, our Eggs are all more appealing to thieves.

What’s to be done??  Well, as one who has had more than her share of home break-ins, car thefts, bicycle theft, pick-pocket attempts, I can assure you that as hard as you try to keep everything safe, even if you are doing everything right, a skilled thief will get what he/she wants.  So rule number one is put as many obstacles in the way of that theft as you can.  Rule number two is:  Once you’ve done your best to secure your property, stop worrying.  Enjoy your camper.  Make every trip the best trip.  No one can ever take that from you.

Now, for practicality:

1). Make sure you have replacement value insurance.  That means real replacement cost–not just blue book since these Eggs sell for far more than blue book.

2). Make your Egg unique from the outside.  If you don’t want to add something to the outside finish, paint your VIN number on top or put a unique decal up there.  Create a unique spare tire cover or put special decals in your windows. Just make it stand out enough that people will remember seeing it driving off in the night, or so police can easily spot it.image

3). Buy and use a wheel club! Put on locking wheel nuts to make it harder to change out the booted wheel.image

4). Buy a good hitch lock and lock your tow chains so they can’t just pull it off on your chains.image

And should the worst come to pass and you find yourself with an empty parking space,   have recent pictures of all sides ready to show the police.  Immediately start checking Craig’s List and all the local for sale sites and get your friends involved in looking, too.  It’s amazing how fast the RV community will galvanize and help on Facebook.

Secure but don’t fear is our motto.  As for me, I always say a prayer of protection for our trips as well as for its safe storage, too.

Note:  We don’t leave anything of value (electronics, wallets) inside the camper when we are out hiking.  I do have pictures of the contents of each drawer and our lamps and lantern cubby, should I need to present that to insurance or do replacement.

Safe travels!

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©2016zenandtheartoflittlehousetravellingcom.   All rights reserved.

5 thoughts on “Protecting the Egg from Theft

  1. Well, the A-Z Giuide said one would spend up to 2K on add’l accessories the first yr of Casita ownership. Too bad some of it has to be on non- diva things like ‘boots’ and locks! 😦


  2. It’s never fun to spend money on security and insurance but it can bring peace of mind and that makes it worthwhile. I wonder what we spent in the first year. I’d say it was far, far less than 2K but we don’t have a wet bath and we use our old camping gear and my Dad’s 1970s porta-potty.
    If I had to guess, I’d say we spent about $800 including the foam pad, King size sheets,security, chocks, outside table, umbrellas for existing chairs and a new folding electric skillet, surge protector, hoses,a couple inexpensive rugs, the step stool, etc. We did spend an addt’l $500 at Little House Customs the first day of ownership, though, so if that is in the 2k, then we are close.


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